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    Radio Stolberg Mehr Musik.

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    Türchen Nr. 24: Das Ende des Codex

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    Türchen Nr. 23: Der Verrat

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    Türchen Nr. 22: Der Kreis schließt sich

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    Türchen Nr. 21: Der Innere Kreis

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    Türchen Nr. 20: Die Rache der Bruderschaft

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    Türchen Nr. 19: Das Vermächtnis von Zacharias Keller

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    Türchen Nr. 18: Das Vermächtnis im Herrenhaus

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    Türchen Nr. 17: Das Fragment der Zerstörung

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    Türchen Nr. 16: Die Wahrheit im Feuer

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    Türchen Nr. 15: Die Wahrheit über ZK-17

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    Türchen Nr. 14: Die dunklen Machenschaften der Henschel Spielwaren GmbH


Alle Karnevalsumzüge in der Kupferstadt

Alaaf, jecke Freunde! Hier sind die heiß ersehnten Termine für die anstehenden Karnevalszüge in unserer Region. Plant eure Narrenroute und taucht ein in die bunte Welt des Frohsinns. Am Karnevalssamstag 10.02.: Um 15 Uhr startet der Kinder- & Veedelszug in Münsterbusch, organisiert von den Mönsterböscher Jonge. Verpasst nicht die After-Zoch-Party im Jugendheim Münsterbuch, die direkt im Anschluss steigt. Ebenfalls am 10.02. könnt ihr ab 16:00 Uhr den Karnevalszug in Werth […]

today30. Januar 2024


Erfolgreiche Einigung: Stolberger Karnevalszüge vor Absage gerettet

Die Karnevalsumzüge in Stolberg können doch wie geplant stattfinden, nachdem neue Auflagen fast zu ihrer Absage geführt hätten. Das Ordnungsamt überraschte die Karnevalsvereine letzte Woche durch die erteilten Genehmigungen mit Regelungen, die für Unverständnis und Verärgerung sorgten. In den ausgestellten Genehmigungen an alle Karnevalsgesellschaften und Veranstalter forderte das Ordnungsamt Straßensperrungen und zwei Ordner an jeder Kreuzung der Umzugsstrecke. Diese neuen Auflagen wurden den Vereinen zuvor nicht mitgeteilt, was zu finanziellen […]

today29. Januar 2024 1



Like any music, jazz has its revolutions; its sudden incidents in infrastructure; its disruptive presences of unprecedented sound. Mostly it's slower than that, though, with years and generations of accretions before it seems to call for new vocabulary. That's one way to look at Winter Rockfest, whose latest incarnation occupied a dozen or so venues in downtown New York City last weekend. In a decade and a half of steady […]

today10. März 2020 15


Singer-Songwriter Duo Embarks on Intimate Acoustic TourSinger-Songwriter Duo Embarks on Intimate Acoustic Tour

The dynamic singer-songwriter duo Broked are set to embark on an intimate acoustic tour. This up-close and personal experience promises to showcase their musical chemistry and captivate audiences with stripped-down performances. Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible. Winter Rockfest's expansion has changed its aftertaste somewhat — this year's significantly greater geographic distribution spread out the festival's crowds across a wider swath of territory — but its model […]

today10. März 2020 17


E-tropolis line-up complete

The line-up for the industrial, EBM and synthpop festival E-tropolis in Turbinenhalle in Oberhausen, Ruhr, on March 28 is complete. For the most part, though, people just happening to pass by the two-block campus during Public Practice sessions are at the best advantage to enjoy the notes in the air, mixing with the environment. “We organize it so that several musicians are playing concurrently, in different areas of the campus,” […]

today5. März 2020 138


E-tropolis line-up complete

The line-up for the industrial, EBM and synthpop festival E-tropolis in Turbinenhalle in Oberhausen, Ruhr, on March 28 is complete. For the most part, though, people just happening to pass by the two-block campus during Public Practice sessions are at the best advantage to enjoy the notes in the air, mixing with the environment. “We organize it so that several musicians are playing concurrently, in different areas of the campus,” […]

today5. März 2020 17


Music Is a Way of Life

This is a demo post from Pro Radio. A descendant of punk rock, Nirvana was one of the most famous bands to make alternative rock music mainstream. Ironically, this genre became popular after the grunge period - which deprecated mainstream, commercial types of music. In addition to Nirvana, some extremely well known and highly successful bands formed around alt rock, including REM - one of the earliest "alternative" bands, the […]

today5. März 2020 17 1
